Bob's Sticker Pack is out now! Click here to download

Welcome to Unbreakable When United!

A student-oriented, people-first student council party dedicated to making student life in JNY more fun.


UwU's First Steps

Take a look at how we came up with the idea for our party name and Mascot: UwU and Bob the cat.

(1/6) 25th of September, 2023: The seed has been jokingly planted by our Vice-President (Sophie). Unbeknownst to the rest, the name had already taken root within the members' minds.

(2/6) Following the very wise words of our teachers (and the teachers before them), "Be careful with what you joke about." Here lies the last few moments of normalcy UwU would know.

(3/6) Our dear FILO (Austin) set off the spark to the flame to keep the JOKE party name. Like dominos, all the other members quickly followed suit. (Heavy emphasis on 'JOKE name')

(4/6) Alas, democracy triumphs once again. The power of democracy is that you have the power to shift the final outcome with your voice. Just like how the members of UwU unanimously voted for 'Unbreakable When United', we hope you use your voice to vote for UwU! :3

(5/6) Cedric and Sophie were out walking when they came across a stray cat. The cat looked REEAALLLY lonely, sooo, they gave him a tiny yellow cap to keep him company while he roamed the streets. And that’s how Bob the cat became the face of UwU!! 😼

(6/6) A strong party needs a strong foundation! UwU is comprised of amazing members who have shown potential to being great candidates for your future Student Council! (if you vote for us ofc 😎 )


Raising the Bar

Our mission is simple: to bring a lasting, meaningful change to the student council and the JNY community for the better. Expand the dropdowns to learn more about our ideology, core values, and future programs.

We believe unity between JNY students of all grade levels is important to achieving a more cohesive and collaborative school environment. We are determined to create programs in the student council that will foster this environment in JNY.

We will:
  • Plan for the JNY Finale
  • Plan for a JNY sleepover
  • Create a community mural
We believe in upgrading and updating student council processes and programs to make experiences more enjoyable for all. We are committed to making changes and innovating our approaches in the student council for the better.

We will:
  • Make improvements to the student volunteer (StuVo) system, including introducing new committees and organisational structures.
  • Reform communications in the student council, including making better use of social media and delivering announcements and products in a timely manner.
  • Review, improve, and reimplement past student council events and programs such as the JNY Musical Evening and other charity initiatives.

We believe that fostering a cheerful and inspiring student environment is crucial in building a more unified community. We are dedicated to creating programs for JNY students to learn more from one another and unwind from the stressful hustle and bustle of academic life.

We will:
  • Develop a framework for starting student interest groups
  • Plan for TEDxJNY (or similar events)
  • Work with house committee to bring back Mass Jog
We believe that every student has the potential to make a difference in JNY and the world. We are devoted to making sure that students have an avenue for expressing their hidden talents.

We will:
  • Plan for JNY Creativity Week
  • Plan for JNY Talent Show
  • Start interclass competitions and tournaments


Meet the Team

Learn more about the team behind UwU, what they’re campaigning for, and how to get in touch with them.